All about Dog Nutrition


It is imperative that you know how to feed your dog well. It's not enough that you feed him regularly. You should be able to know if there are no side effects in the dog food you give him that will make him more vulnerable to a couple of diseases. One of the usual things that you should do when you get to feed your dog is to switch to different dog food brands. This is the common tactic that dog owners do to prevent their dogs from suffering any complications that a particular dog food brand may have. If there's a possible recall of some dog food brands for some harmful ingredients or formulation if you have switched to another brand that variety will be diluted and your dog will be saved.


Research into dog food is an ongoing process and researchers are doing their best to ensure that they can come up with dog food that has less side effects. However, there is truly no guarantee in dog foods. There are so many factors that affect the quality of dog foods. Even the environment can make or break the quality of any dog food. When the nutritional value of your soil diminishes so is the quality of the ingredients for dog food that grow on it. No matter what tests are done, there might always be a deficiency in the amount of some minerals such as calcium and magnesium. You would also have to switch dog food brands since this would encourage picky eating for the dogs. You should shop for puppy food online to have a peace of mind.


When you buy another dog food brand, you should read the nutritional label at the back of it to check if the dog will be getting the most valuable nutrients and if you can find only a few fillers on it.  For more info about dog foods, visit


One more thing about the dog eating habit is that sometimes they don't like to eat for a couple of reasons: one is that they are stressed. They also don't want to eat when there's too much going on in the area where he eats. It could also be that he is trying to get used to his environment. There's also the possibility that the dog is sick hence the lack of appetite.


It's quite normal when your dog won't be eating for a few days but if it goes beyond that then that's another story. Hence nutrition and food intake for your dog involves properly feeding him. Click here to learn about the best dog food for your dogs.